Cheap Fallout rip-off..
You should call it "Project Suck-A-Lot".
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Cheap Fallout rip-off..
You should call it "Project Suck-A-Lot".
blow me
it's good
a few pointers..
it's pretty easy.. maybe a little too easy..
at some points the SAWBLADES are somehow placed weird.. i jump over the first and because of the speed, I land on the next.. do the distances adjust automatically or are they predefined?
fun game anyway.
the distances are completely random. I recently made this easier, should I make it harder? I can do that pretty easily.
.I'm currently working on OR2 so I might not get around to fixing that. Seeing as how well received this one was, OR2 will have scripted levels in a more, sonic the hedgehog style, so you won't have to worry about that anymore. Sorry about that, the random placement of the saws really gets me sometimes too.
the game is fun
but the bug really does exist.. if you swiftly move your mous.. the pointer doesn't actually slide.. it jumps.. and ignoring any walls or other obstacles..
plus it also seems to slow down for some reason.. i barely made it out of the maze when it stoped moving and i got shot down by that turret. More than once.
looks good so far.. the graphics could use some tuning, but that's just me..
Yes I am aware of the bug, I don't think it really affects normal gameplay, but I guess with enough people telling me about it I'm probably gonna try and fix it. Graphics do need tuning I agree, they are very corny and the reflections don't match.
i got to level 7
it's overall pretty interesting, but one question tho.. WHY is it black & white?
I wanted to try a different style, and I thought the black & white worked well with the curly bits and underwater theme.
it's definetely worthy the award.
The game is amazing.
I dunno if it's a bug or not, but the Madness story is weird.
In the "3 Henchmen" stage you just keep killing them, but they just keep reappearing.. i got bored after 5 minutes.. they just keep returning all the time..
Some of the characters are not really any good.
TANKMAN - short range slow attacks.. whatta?
NENE - it says, she has powerfull attacks.. that is just bull.. i had a real hard time surviving the story with her. Only because her attacks are WEAK.
PICONJO - i could move faster with a broken leg.. hes annoyingly SLUGGISH
FANCY PANTS - all i had to do is keep pressing "S". The guy is way too fast for this rumble.. it's impossible to beat him.. his attacks are unholy fast.
MADNESS - didn't respond very well to controls. Once it start's attacking you have to wait till he stops to do something else.. and the range..
The thing that bugged me the most was the dodging.. the AI just stands behind you.. and while you're trying to attack.. he's just standing there.. but if you move or the attack moves you .. you get kicked in the nuts.. i think that should be looked into..
The AI is pretty cunning.
If 1 vs 2 .. they will corner you at the first possibility.
The arenas are interesting.. the various possibilities give you a pretty wide range of ways how to beat the opponent. You can defeat him on aerial attacks alone if the timing is good.
The powerups are fun.
The DOPELGANGER can be a real safety belt.
HEALTH - i noticed that you can't pick it up if at full health.. it kinda figures, but that means, your opponent will pick it up and your last combo was pretty much for nothing. I think a pick up or at least kick it away should be a good addon...
I mean.. if I can't have it.. so shan't they.. kick it out of the screen and replace it with something else instantly..
ANGRY FAIC - that powerup didn't really get to me.. what exactly does it do? The attacks increase a bit in damage, but that's about it.. i think also increased speed would be apropriate for this power-up.
LIGHTNING - i had a real fun time dodging this one :) GOOD WORK!
AK47 a.k.a. GUNS - one gets a machine gun.. another gets a 6 shot colt.. fair? :)
This was time well spent.
I haven't tried out everything yet, but this is what i have noticed so far.
P.S. Goes very well with the RAMBO 4 movie playing in background :D
Wow, big one. I'll address what I can.
TANKMAN - A lot of his moves (usually the explosive ones) actually are long range, and quite powerful at that
NENE - She has high stun, and some of her moves really are powerful. Can't get enough of her air quick
FANCY PANTS MAN - Most of his attacks are way slow. His standing quick will degrade, as any move will when you use it too much.
ANGRY FAIC - 30% more attack power. It can actually be pretty devestating
GUNS - Not all projectiles were created equal. Characters strong in attack tend to have poor projectiles, as a means of balance.
Thanks for all the comments
the game is fun
but you should know that you just caused a lot of people health problems in later life..
you proud of yourself now?
looks like u opened the software like 3 times
and now you're DA guru of FLASH
Dude.. come back down to earth.
and stop drinking..
I've been opening Flash 4, 5, & MX for 2 years now! TWO YEARS! You must be retarted, so I'll let it go. No im not a flash guru, but this tutorial is SURE helping people, plenty of bookmarks, high score, and emails. IM MAKING MORE, w00t! Were you talking about yourself when you said you opened flash 3 times? Better check that, you dont even have flash.
don't piss me off...
Age 43, Male
Soul collector
Babylon, Infinite Castle
Joined on 4/29/04